Jack Maslen – s5096906
Assessment 3: Electronic Internship Portfolio
Academic Advisor – Christopher Klopper
GOLDOC Internship
Internship Supervisor – Tony Francis
Narrative of Internship
Certificate of Service:

Introductory overview of the internship:
The internship I was placed in for the 2018 Gold Coast Commonwealth Games was Venue Communications Supervisor. This role was under the Venue Management functional area.
My duties for the first ten weeks before games time was mostly administrative duties such as printing, copying and laminating. As the weeks went on the duties became more detailed, and required serious work. Jobs such as constructing zoning maps and fleet maps to be used on venue.
Once on venue for the last two weeks of the internship during games time, my role as a supervisor came into play and I was in charge of a group of volunteers inside the venue communications centre. Part of my role was to coincide between the group of volunteers and the Venue General Manager. It was our job to relay messages from one radio talk group to another, whilst also relaying messages to the Event Control Room upon hearing about issues such as medical incidents, fires, bomb threats or lost children.
For the first ten weeks of the internship we were working at the GOLDOC Headquarters, which was located off Heeb Street in Benowa. The site was made up of several different blocks, each multiple stories high. My venue team was situated in block D, along with the majority of the other VCC interns.
I spent the majority of the time in block D, where my desk was located, and many of the smaller meeting rooms located also. The smaller meeting rooms could fit around six to eight people, and these are where we would have small conferences as a small venue management team. For larger meetings we would go to Block A, where the large venue meetings would take place. These conference rooms could hold fifty to seventy people.
For the last two weeks of the internship, all interns started working at their venues.
I was located at the Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre, located in Broadbeach.
Listed below are three examples of relationships between an outcome from my Study
program, and an outcome from my Internship Contract.
Program Learning Outcome:
- In planning and problem solving and apply appropriate decision making in the main areas of business practice and/or scholarship
Internship Contract Outcome:
- Work alongside the VGM to provide information on issues and incidents to the Games Operation 
Centre (GOC).
Relationship between each outcome:
Through working directly alongside the Venue General Manager, I can see a direct relationship between these two outcomes. Problem solving and applying appropriate decision-making is what needed to be displayed in order to bring the games together. If the VGM needed me to think on my feet, and solve a problem with an issue reported, I would need to appropriately make a decision on where to locate the correct information. I would then need to decipher who I needed to contact on which radio talk group to find this information. Once a decision was made, it was then a matter of gaining the needed information, to solve the problem.
Program Learning Outcome:
- Cognitive skills to synthesise theoretical knowledge and to reflect critically on theory and its
application to business
Internship Contract Outcome:
- Ensure the venue team is kept informed in a timely manner of venue and sport related 
information as instructed by the Venue General Manager (VGM).
Relationship between each outcome:
The correlation i'm drawing on between these two outcomes was based on the premise that the Venue General Manager wasn't always in the room, and sometimes even when she was in the room she was very busy attending to other problems or issues taking place. The information was in front of us in the Venue Communications Centre, but we as supervisors had to apply a theoretical knowledge from our training to understand at what times certain members of the team needed to be made alert of certain events and information.
The role of Venue Communications Supervisor entailed a lot of pre taught theory, leading up to the games. And when games time was upon us it was up to us to be able to take the theory and apply it in our roles.
An example of this was we were taught about the maps of the venue, and which Operations Managers were in charge of what sections of the venue, and when they needed to rotate. It was up to us to apply that knowledge based on the theory we had learnt, and put it into practice on venue.
Program Learning Outcome:
- To make independent judgements in a range of business related problems and situations through problem solving and applying theory to real world scenarios and cases
Internship Contract Outcome:
- Ensure the correct people are aware of issues and incidents on the venue as they occur.
Relationship between each outcome:
Very similar to the previous relationship drawn between outcomes, i have found a direct correlation between these two, through making independent judgements on the basis of solving problems and dealing with situations. This came to life in the Venue Communications Centre through working first hand with the Venue General Manager. An example of this would be when a radio call would come through on one channel, and the radio caller wanted to report an issue, but was unsure who needed to be told. I experienced multiple accounts of this as a supervisor during games time. As a supervisor i needed to make an independent judgement, on theory i had learnt prior to games time, on who needed to be alerted about said issue. It was my job to make sure that i was well equipped with the knowledge for all possible situations, so i could assist in getting the messages relayed to the correct person on venue.
Job Description / Contract: