Artefacts of the Workplace

(Note: I would like to acknowledge the fact that I had many photographs taken on my phone including photos of my workspace and photos of events at GOLDOC HQ, but unfortunately I lost my phone just before games time)
Internship Log:
For the first ten weeks of the Internship, I was based at GOLDOC HQ and worked 8.5 hours a day, 5 days a week, which came to an accumulated 425 hours of work.
Over the course of the games for the last two-week period, I accumulated 60 hours on venue, bringing my total amount of hours worked to 485.
Corporate Photograph:
In the first week of the internship we were invited back to Griffith University to receive a corporate photograph. I was excited for the opportunity as i had never received a professional corporate photograph before. I have now used this photo for my GOLDOC display photo and also my linked in profile, along with my ePortfolio home page photo.
Zoning Maps:
In my first full scale task for my venue management team, I was asked by my Venue Operations Manager to organize the zoning maps for our venue. This was during week three of the internship, and i was really quite excited to receive this task. We had been doing quite simple jobs before this, and when given this task i felt a new sense of importance in the team.
This is the Ground floor, and an example of one of the maps I had to construct.
Each circle represents a zone of the venue, with the text box stating which zone the circle is referring to. These maps were given out to every staff member on venue, to assist them when communicating over the radio to other employees.

Evacuation plan – Area warden Signage:
During week four of the internship I was asked by my Assistant Venue General Manager to help put together the Evacuation Plan for the venue, which included constructing the Area Warden signage for each zone.
My AVGM asked could i please give this job a fine attention to detail, as it needed to be perfect. This game me a real confidence boost in that she trusted me enough to give me such a job. I really gave this job all i had, as i wanted to impress her and deliver the best possible result.
These signs were for the Area Wardens of each zone to read and become familiar with what to do in the case of an emergency evacuation.
This is the Signage for Zone 1.

Fleet Map:
About halfway through the internship I was given the large task of organising the venues fleet map. The fleet map is a spread sheet of data, basically listing every single radio used on venue, who is responsible for that radio, and what their call sign is. This document is one of the most integral pieces of information for all radio users on venue, which put a lot of pressure on me. This document took many weeks of hard work, and a lot of emails and direct communication with my fellow colleagues to make sure the data was current and correct.
The following is a sample of the fleet map, taken from the Ops 1 talk group of the map.
From left to right along the top we have the talk group, which determines which radio channel they sit on,
Serial number of the radio, Functional area of the operator of the radio, Position/role of the radio user, and call sign of the user. It was drilled into us on numerous occasions that call signs are the most important pieces of information on venue, these signs are used instead of names, as names were not allowed to be used due to confidentiality reasons.